BRMNA Membership

(Last September 4th, 2024)


The BRMNA membership year runs from September 1st of one year until August 31st of the following year and we are now in the 2024/25 membership year. It entitles members to receive the BRMNA Journal (6 per year), the annual BRMNA membership directory and to register in and use the features of the BRMNA Member Zone.

The BRMNA Journal can be provided to you in printed form or in electronic form.

If you elect to receive the Journal in printed form it will be mailed to you. You can also access it in electronic form through the Member Zone at no additional cost.

If you elect to receive the Journal in electronic form you will be notified by email of its availability as soon as it is accessible in the Member Zone.

The annual BRMNA membership directory that includes the name, contact information and modelling interests of each member is provided in printed form only. It is published at the same time as the November/December issue of the Journal and is mailed to paid up members along with their membership card.

Note that all members, whether they decide to get the printed or the electronic version, should register for the Member Zone as it contains benefits that are accessible only to members or which, in the case of second hand sales, are accessible to members before being made available to anyone else.

Membership fees:

The annual membership fee depends on the form in which you wish to receive the BRMNA Journal and on your mailing address.

The membership fee for new members is $15 higher for the first year to cover the one time cost of the engraved name badge and crest.

The membership fee for those who were previously members who are rejoining after a break in membership is $5 higher for the first year to cover administrative setup costs.

The following tables show the membership fees for the membership year 2023-2024:

First Year membership fee


Subsequent Years membership fee



You can pay your membership electronically through an Interac e-transfer payment or through PayPal.

You need to have on-line banking privileges with your bank to use the Interac e-transfer payment. After that all you need is the email address of the recipient which is:

You do not need to have a PayPal account to use their service. . When you log in to PayPal, the recipient account that you should use is: .

The process is as follows:

  • 1. Log in to PayPal.
  • 2. Click Send Money.
  • 3. Enter the treasurer's email address (see above) and the amount you want to send.
  • 4. Select Purchase or Personal, then choose the reason for the payment.
  • 5. Click Continue.
  • 6. Review the amount, the payment method, and shipping address.
  • 7. Add a message (if you want to), then click Send Money.

You can also pay by cheque or appropriate money orders which should be made payable to B.R.M.N.A. and mailed to the Treasurer at Dave Venables, 6 Trevor Crescent, Nepean, ON, K2H 6H8, Canada. BRMNA has both a Canadian and a US bank account to minimise your bank charges regardless of where you may reside.

Information required and use:

We ask that you provide the following information on the application form.

  • Name: ............................
  • Address: ............................
  • ............................
  • ............................
  • ............................
  • ............................
  • Postal code/ZIP code: ...............
  • Phone: ..............................
  • Email address: ......................
  • Journal: Printed (P) or Electronic (E) .......
  • How did you hear about BRMNA? ...................
  • Railway(s) Modelled: ............................
  • Period Modelled: ................................
  • Scale(s) Modelled: ..............................
  • Type (AC, DC, DCC, Steam): ......................
  • Track: No. of ft in operation: ...... Projected: .....
  • Scenery: No(N), Part(P), or Complete(C): ...

Your name and address information will be used to mail your directory, membership card, engraved badge and crest.

Your first name and last name with no salutation will appear on your engraved badge. Please ensure that what you provide is what you want to see on it!

All the membership information that you provide will be published in the annual BRMNA membership directory. Please provide as much as possible as it helps members to identify those with similar interests. Also, please send any changes, especially to your contact information, to the Secretary.

Please note that any information that appears in the directory will be limited to BRMNA members only and will not be provided to anyone, including members, in electronic form.

Promoting BRMNA:

Some BRMNA promotional information is available in PDF format through the brochure. It is stored as a two sided document that can then be folded, concertina style, to fit into your pocket. If your printer will only print on one side then print page one; turn the resulting sheet over and print page two on the other side. Fold it and you have a handy brochure/reference for your own use and for promoting BRMNA.

Providing your information:

You are invited to make your membership payment through an Interac e-transfer or PayPal to and to email the information requested above to the Secretary. Or you can print out the PDF version of the brochure, complete the information requested, and mail it along with your cheque or money order to:

Dave Venables, 6 Trevor Crescent, Nepean, ON, K2H 6H8, Canada.

Providing updated information:

You can send in updated information at any time by email. Of particular importance to be kept current are your mailing address and email address.

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