on July 24th, 2023

I have the following OO scale coaches for sale. I would like offers for them separately or by rail group.

Shipping and any insurance is extra at cost. Items can be picked up or delivered by arrangement in the immediate area around Vernon, BC.

If you are interested in buying, or knowing more about, any of them then to contact me, Dave Larnder, Vernon, BC .

The following are Hornby GWR clerestory non corridor coaches that I bought for conversion into proper models of real coaches in 1912 colours, but at my age, I am not able to paint them properly anymore so they became surplus:

1 x R4914 GWR brake end, #5089, mint, boxed, unused
3 x R332 GWR 3rd class, #5017, V.G condition, unboxed, used

The following are Hornby LNER teak clerestory non corridor coaches that are surplus to my requirements:

1 x R025 LNER teak brake end, #62420, V.G. condition, unboxed, used
1 x R024 LNER teak 3rd class, #61456, V.G. condition, unboxed, used